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Und siehe da, es gefällt ihm so sehr, dass er jetzt mindestens einmal im Monat auf Achse ist… Wir haben ihn also authentisch dargestellt und nicht gemogelt. Außerdem: Was soll sie Dich in ihrer Mail überhaupt noch fragen, wenn sie schon alles über Dich gelesen hat?

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Profiltext Monitor Journalism We think it is time profiltext rethink the news. It is profiltext fuel for a thriving democracy. It takes us to places and introduces us to people we never imagined. It defends our rights and values. What matters are the values and ideals that drive us, not just the who, what, when, and where of the news. When we understand that, we understand the world, and one another, better. The Monitor gives readers that deeper insight by offering this approach to profiltext We challenge conventional thinking. We need you to hold us accountable — to keep us honest and grounded. To inspire us with what inspires you. Together, we can build a community of people who ask more from news. We will change how you see news. News must be accurate and trustworthy, but facts alone can miss the whole story — the story of us. We will have the courage to look into both the best and the worst in us — and not to blame, but to demand better. Journalism can be a force for good — for inspiration and progress. But only if we all make it so.

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